Project description
I partnered with another HCI graduate student to develop the information architecture for Spiriello Financial, a website for users to manage their pension plan. It provides a single location online for non-retired and retired users to visit and manage all aspects of their pension plan.
Business objectives
Lighten the workload on the customer service center.
Become a leading competitor in the industry by giving users more flexibility and access to their funds and documents.
Provide Educational Material to our users.
Ensure the website is accessible on multiple devices.

I partnered with another HCI graduate student to develop the information architecture for the website. We defined . I was able to provide subject matter expert information from my ongoing work at MassMutual.
user groups
We created personas to support requirements gathering activities and define task flow.
People age ~65 and under who are currently non retired fit into this user group. These individuals would use the website a couple times per year. They are technology savvy, own smartphones and newer devices, and considered to be expert web application users. These users can use the following features:
update their contact and beneficiary information *
download tax forms *
use calculators and tools to determine possible living conditions *
view FAQs *
view list of agents
find a local agent
​​​​​​​read helpful articles to get educated on their finances
People age 65+ who are retired fit into this user group. These individuals would use the website several times per year. They are less experienced with technology than others and own older devices. They are considered to be novice web application users. These users can use the following features:
update their contact and beneficiary information 
update bank account details for direct deposit * 
update mailing address for payment by check * 
download tax forms * 
use calculators and tools to determine possible living conditions * 
view FAQs * 
view list of agents 
find a local agent 
​​​​​​​read helpful articles to get educated on their finances
* user group specific features

Sitemap for Non-Retired users

Sitemap for Retired users

We created heavily annotated wireframes to communicate the specific needs of the user interface and to ensure the development piece of the project would go smoothly and efficiently.
Our mobile wireframes are also heavily annotated for clear communication of ui design intent. These wireframes are high fidelity and represent the look and feel of Spiriello Financial.​​​​​​​
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